Sonntag, 21. März 2010

Our 2nd day - Saturday

This day had another rather wet start but this time everybody was dressed appropriately and we were lucky as the rain stopped shortly after we had arrived in Bath. Unfortunately, only one of the English students could join us on this trip. We first explored the Roman Bath which has a very impressive exhibition, and thanks to our audioguides we got a good and lively impression of life at Roma times. Afterwards, there was some time for individual explorations of this beautiful Georgian town and some first shopping.
Having met again, we paid the Abbey a short visit and then went to the Fashion Museum. At first some of the boys seemed to see no sense in going in ( whereas it was hard to stop Rosi ) but once inside they quickly learned about the beauty of really gorgeous dresses and what craftsmanship can really mean ( especially compared to H&M). The most interesting section seemed to be the place where you could try on old-fashioned clothes. Here not only the girls but also some of the boys learned what it may mean to wear, for example, a corsage. Some even got blue in the face!
On the way to our bus we passed by the really impressive Royal Crescent but arriving in Cheltenham, we were greated with rain again.
You thought this was all? You can't be more wrong: After dinner, we went to the school's theatre for a performance of "School for Scandal", a funny but rather old-fashioned play about love, intrigues, marriage and false rumours. But as the English spoken here was much too complicated for our students they were allowed to leave in the break and on their way to their houses, guess what thought they had? Right - sleeeeeep!

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